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Tagi tematu: anty , bad , camper , kampa

Bad Camper - Anty kampa

Dołączył: 01 Paź 2009
Wiek: 33
Posty: 2194
Skąd: Myszyniec
Piwa: 329/80
 #1  Wysłany: Czw 31 Gru, 2009 13:45   Bad Camper - Anty kampa
Bad Camper 1.4.239

Plugin dzieki , ktoremu nie mozemy kampic



* .\gamemod\addons\amxmodx\plugins\bad_camper.amxx
* .\gamemod\addons\amxmodx\data\lang\bad_camper.txt
* .\gamemod\sounds\misc\snore.wav

Wymagane Moduly:

* fun (wymagane)
* fakemeta (wymagane))
* cstrike (optional; required if utilizing money reduction punishment)
* csx (do gry CS lub CS:CZ)
* dodx (do gry DoD)
* tfcx (do gry TFC)


badcamper_punish <iFlags>
Jaka kare ma dac plugin , gdy gracz za dlugo stoi w miejscu. Wartosc 0 wylacza plugin.


* 1: Slap
* 2: Health Reduction
* 4: Sound (set sound via badcamper_sound)
* 8: Blind
* 16: Money Reduction (requires CSTRIKE module)
* 32: Snark Attack (requires Monster Mod with Snarks enabled)

Standardowo jest 12 (chrapie i zasypia).

badcamper_sound <iFlag>
Jaki ma byc dzwiek przy zasypianiu

* 1: Snore (chrapanie)
* 2: Heartbeat (bicie serca)

Standardowo jest 1 (chrapanie).

badcamper_money <iPercentage>
Jezeli gracz zasnal w 100% zabiera graczowi kase.

Standardowo jest 10 procent.

badcamper_limit <iSeconds>
Jak dlugo gracz moze kampic w miejscu , do czasu gdy nie zasnie w 100%.

Standardowo jest 35 sekund.

badcamper_display <iPercentage>
Specifies the percentage at which the meter is displayed to the player. Valid values range from 0 (never show) to 100. Nie wiedzialem o co chodzi

Standardowo jest 1 procent.

badcamper_show_spec <0|1>
Czy gracze ze spectatora moga widziec normalnie ekran (nie przyciemniony)?

Standardowo jest 1, dla wszystkich.

badcamper_check_all <0|1>
Wszyscy maja byc karani?

* 0: tylko zespol z najlepszymi statami
* 1: wszyscy

Standardowo jest 1.

The current primary objective is defined as follows:

* if the map is not a "de" map, the CTs have the primary objective
* if the map is a "de" map and the bomb hasn't been planted, the Ts have the primary objective
* if the map is a "de" map and the bomb has been planted, the CTs have the primary objective

badcamper_immunity_flags <cAccessLevels>
Specifies the access level flags needed for a player to have immunity.

Immunity is achieved by standing completely still and not looking around for approximately 6 seconds. The camp meter will still increase until it reaches 65% or more at which time it'll stop until they move or look around again. If the meter is already at 80% or higher, the meter won't stop.

Set this CVAR to blank to disallow immunity.

For available flags,

The default is blank (no immunity).

A common value, when admin immunity is desired, is to use the "a" flag (ADMIN_IMMUNITY).

badcamper_start <iSeconds>
Specifies how many seconds after the freeze time ends each round that the meter will start.

The default is 4 seconds.

Note that camping is checked every 2 seconds so any value you put in here will effectively be rounded up as such.

badcamper_damage_reset <iResetType>
Specifies if the attacker's or defender's meter gets reset when the player is injured by another.

* 0: No meters are reset.
* 1: The attacker's meter is reset.
* 2: The defender's meter is reset.
* 3: Both meters are reset.

The default is 3.

badcamper_damage_restart <iSeconds>
Specifies how many seconds after a player either gives or receives damage that the meter will restart.

The default is 4 seconds.

Note that camping is checked every 2 seconds so any value you put in here will effectively be rounded up as such.

badcamper_health <iHealthPoints>
Specifies how many points of health to remove from the player every 2 seconds once their meter reaches 100% if using the health reduction punishment. If the health reduction punishment is not being used, this CVAR has no effect.

The default is 10 health points.

badcamper_allow <iPlayerCount|iPlayerPercent%>
Specifies when a team that is being checked for camping is allowed to camp. A value of 0 doesn't allow a team to camp.

The default is 0.

The value can either be expressed as a straight count or as a percentage. If the value is being expressed as a percentage, "%" has to follow the value. Examples below. If the value is a count, players can camp when the number of living players on their team falls to this value or lower. If the value is a percentage, players can camp when the percentage of living players on their team is at this value or lower when compared to the living players on the other team.


badcamper_allow 2
Pretty straight-forward. Once there are 2 or fewer players left alive on your team, you can camp.

badcamper_allow 40%
More powerful and complex. Once your team comprises of living players that is 40% or less than the number of living players on the other team, you can camp. For instance (assume your team is listed first) the following match-ups would allow your team to camp: 1v4, 2v5, 3v8, 4v12, 5v13, 6v15.

badcamper_min_players <iPlayers>
Specifies the minimum number of players that have to be connected to the server before players are allowed to camp.

The default is 0 players.

This CVAR affects both badcamper_check_all and badcamper_allow functionality.

badcamper_announce <announcementType>
Specifies how to announce to the opposite team that a player is camping.

* 0: Make no announcement.
* 1: Announce via chat.
* 2: Announce via HUD.
* 3: Announce via chat and HUD.

The default is 3 (chat and HUD).

Reszte moze pozniej przetlumacze Narazie czasu nie mam.


badcamper list
Lista graczy , ktorzy kampia


Plugin kompatybilny z:

AMXX 1.8 lub wyzszy.

* CS
* TFC (nie testowany)

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Maryska Czw 31 Gru, 2009 14:10, w całości zmieniany 3 razy  
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Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi Ub dla Camper
Camper1337 [Diablo] Bany i UnBany 3 Pią 11 Mar, 2011 16:53
Brak nowych postów .:CzAki.CaMpEr:.:D
Maryskowo [PokeMod] Bany i UnBany 2 Nie 27 Cze, 2010 18:52
Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi Anty Soft (ustawienia grafiki)
zelooo [Diablo] Pomysły i Propozycje 20 Sob 23 Lis, 2013 18:47
WSRH Dziadowo
Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi Camper, Naleścniczek
Bayonne [PokeMod] Bany i UnBany 1 Wto 19 Paź, 2010 19:22
Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi "Anty"latios
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