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Tagi tematu: 4.3 , mod , plague , zombie

Zombie Plague Mod 4.3

Dołączył: 25 Kwi 2009
Wiek: 31
Posty: 6484
Skąd: LondYn
Otrzymał 1278 piw(a)
 #1  Wysłany: Wto 29 Mar, 2011 18:58   Zombie Plague Mod 4.3

> Logo by Mr.Apple. Dziękuję! <

Opis i Info:
Zombie Plague jest to modyfickacja servera do gry Counter-Strike, opracowany jako AMX Mod X plugin, który kompletnie zmienia rozgrywkę, dostarczając świetnego doświadczenia "Ludzie vs Zombie".

Mod jest bazowany na klasycznym zombie infection, aczkolwiek zawiera koncepcje do nowcyh pozimów, poprze wprowadzenie:
Nowe Rozgrywki: Nemesis, Survivor, Multi Infection, Swarm i Plague mod
System Klas Zombie: pozwala na dodanie nielimitowanej ilośći klas zombie
Paczki Ammunicji: Zdobywane za zabijanie graczy, możliwość wymiany na jakiś bonus
System Ekstra Przedmiotów: pozwala na dodanie nielimitowanej ilośći przedmiotów do kupienia
Granaty: Granta Podpalający, Zamraąający, Flara i Infekująca bomba.
Deathmatch Mod: pozwala na odradzanie się Zombiaków lub Ocalałych
Menu Admina: do łatwej obsługi zawartych komend
Specjalne Efekty: Pochodzące z HL Engine, takie jak dynamiczne światło lub wspaniała mgła

Możliwość dostosowania własnych ustawiań, które pozwolą na stworzenie własnego stylu rozgrywki:
Ustawienie Zycia, szybkości, modelu i wiele więcej zombie lub ocalałego
Włączenie nielimitowanej amunicji i regulowany odrzut z broni
Włączanie i dostosowanie do własnych potrzeb nowych trybów rozgrywki
Zmiana oświetlenia mapy
Ustawienie innych kolorów latarek, flar lub noktowizorów
Włączenie LongJump'a i odprności na urazy (upadek z wysoka)
Włączenie różnych efektów, takie jak, zakażenia iskry i trzęsie ekranu
Włączenie losowego rodzenia się na mapie (CSDM-spawn)
Podmiana dźwięków lub dodanie jakichś tematów (zmiana nieba)
I wiele więcej...


- Pokazówka moda.

    Gra: Counter-Strike 1.6 lub Condition-Zero
    AMXX: Wersja 1.8.0 lub nowsza

    Pobierz paczki(załącznik), wypakuj je do głównego katalogu gry (cstrike lub czero) na Swoim serverze, nie zmieniając struktury zawartości. - Zawiera, pluginy, kod źródłowy, pliki konfiguracyjne i mulltilang. - Zawierta, modele, dzwięki i duszki.
    Po więcej informacji zajżyj do pliku ReadMe.txt w paczce, tekst jest w języku angielskim.

Ten projekt wystartował pod konieć 2007 roku, kiedy darmowa wersja "Zombie Infection" była mocno zbugowana, wpadłem na pomysł aby zrobić własnie Zombie. Bez doświadczenia w skryptowaniu AMXX, musiałęm zacząć wszystko od nowa.

..(nie chciało mi się tłumaczyć)..

Mod przeszedł dlugą drogę i jestem szczęśliwy publikując go za darmo dla wszystkich. Jedynie czego wymagam, to zachowanie prawa autorskich i Imienia w pluginie.

-Miłej zabawy!

    AMXX Dev Team: for all the hard work which made this possible
    Imperio LNJ Community: for providing the first server where I could really test the plugin and for everyone's support
    Mini_Midget: for his Zombie Swarm plugin which I used for reference on earliest stages of development
    Avalanche: for the random spawning code I got from GunGame and the original Frostnades concept that I ported in here
    cheap_suit: for some modelchange and knockback codes that I got from Biohazard
    Simon Logic/ConnorMcLeod: for the Pain Shock Free feature
    KRoT@L: for some code from Follow the Wounded, used to make the zombie bleeding feature
    VEN: for Fakemeta Utilities and some useful stocks
    RaaPuar and Goltark: for the custom grenade models
    Orangutanz: for finding the precached modelindex offset
    ML Translations: DKs/nunoabc/DarkMarcos (bp), JahMan/KWo (pl), DA (de), hleV/aaarnas (lt), darkbad945 (bg), DoPe^ (da), k1nny (fr), shadoww_ro/tuty/georgik57/EastSider (ro), NeWbiE' (cz), lOlIl/Seehank (sk), Bridgestone (sv), (nl), TehGeorge (gr), SUPER MATRIX/Shidla/zDemon/4eRT (ru), zsy314 (cn), skymoon (tc), decongamco (vn), beckham9224 (mn), Zombie Lurker (ls)
    Beta testers: for all the feedback, bug reports, and suggestions which constantly help improve this mod further
    And to all zombie-mod supporters out there!

Mapy i Modele:
Modele Ocalałych i Zombie
Specjalne Mapy do Zombie Mod'a

- Version: 4.3 (Apr 20, 2009)
* Added beta changes (see below for details on those)
* Added CVAR for the new Nemesis/Survivor to have the same amount of HP as the guy who left
* Fixed some code still executing when the mod is turned off, which could cause weird bugs
* Fixed knife model issues when running WeaponMod

- Version: 4.3-beta5 (Apr 15, 2009)
* Added buy limiters for Antidote and Zombie Madness (CVARs: zp_extra_antidote_limit, zp_extra_madness_limit)
* Added admin knife model customization to zombieplague.ini (CVARs: zp_admin_knife_models_human, zp_admin_knife_models_zombie)
* Fixed unstuck feature causing zombies to turn into humans when random spawning is disabled
* Fixed unneeded hostage sounds precaching and taking up memory on CZ servers
* Fixed classes and items being incorrectly parsed when their names contain brackets
* Fixed Swarm Mode being triggered with no zombies or humans on either team
* Fixed zombie's hegrenades behaving as infection bombs even when their CVAR is disabled
* Fixed non-human grenades behaving as frostnades and flares
* Fixed code for blocking infection/cure attempts sometimes not working as it should
* Fixed calling some natives when the mod is turned off causing run time errors
* API: Native zp_has_round_started now returns 2 if the round is starting (i.e. not fully started yet)
* API: Replaced returning PLUGIN_HANDLED with ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED due to backwards compatibility concerns
* Removed caching of most CVARs as it would just make the code harder to mantain

- Version: 4.3-beta4 (Mar 27, 2009)
* Added CVAR to set the default amount of starting ammo packs for new players (zp_starting_ammopacks)
* Added CVAR to randomly give weapons to players instead of buying them (zp_random_weapons)
* Added/updated ML translations (zombieplague.txt file is now UTF-8 encoded)
* Added option to force consistency for player models in zombieplague.ini
* Extra items menu now only displays items available to the player's class
* Player list menu for admin commands now only displays connected players
* Admin console commands now always obey the flags set in zombieplague.ini
* Nemesis damage CVAR no longer affects damage done by an entity other than nemesis himself (i.e. subplugin's rockets won't be affected now)
* API: Added natives to retrieve the number of zombies/humans/nemesis/survivors on a round
* API: Added natives to get a zombie class/extra item's ID via its name
* API: Added native to force players to buy an extra item
* API: Added natives to manually set and remove player's nightvision
* API: Returning PLUGIN_HANDLED on "zp_extra_item_selected" forwards will now cancel the item purchase
* Optimized code a bit (CVARs are now cached at round start, added cstrike module back)
* Fixed custom skies not being precached

- Version: 4.3-beta3 (Mar 16, 2009)
* Added CVAR to toggle respawning on infection rounds
* Added CVARs to separately toggle respawning of killed zombies, humans, nemesis and survivors
* Fixed custom flashlight sometimes displaying incorrect batteries charge on the HUD
* Fixed beta2's incompatibilities with some sub-plugins

- Version: 4.3-beta2 (Mar 12, 2009)
* Extended admin access flags settings to allow for more customization
* Ambience Sounds can now be separately toggled for each game mode
* "Join to Spectator" option now disabled for alive non-admin players to prevent suicide abuse (only if the zp_block_suicide cvar is enabled)
* Added forwards for when players turn into the last zombie/human
* Added forwards which allow to block an infection/humanization
* Updated zp_infect_user native with a "rewards" parameter to have the mod automatically handle frags and ammo packs rewards
* Implemented a more efficient Pain Shock Free code (thanks ConnorMcLeod)
* Optimized some code and tasks for less CPU usage
* Fixed remaining instances of the "weapons not reloading until they're switched" bug
* Fixed frostnade's screenfade not working properly with freeze durations higher than 15 seconds
* Fixed players sometimes getting incorrect gravity and rendering settings when transforming from a frozen zombie

- Version: 4.3-beta1 (Mar 06, 2009)
* Customization settings can now be edited externally, recompiling is no longer needed (zombieplague.ini file)
* Attributes for zombie classes and extra items can now be edited externally, recompiling is no longer needed (zp_zombieclasses.ini and zp_extraitems.ini files)
* Added support for multiple random zombie models (at last!)
* Added global zombie models override setting (to have all zombies use the same set of models regardless of class)
* Added CVARs to toggle respawning (deathmatch) on rounds other than infection
* Added CVAR to separately toggle Survivor's unlimited ammo
* Added CVAR to separately toggle Nemesis' knockback and set its multiplier
* Respawn: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Turn into Zombie/Human: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Turn into Nemesis/Survivor: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Added natives to force a player to turn into a Nemesis/Survivor
* Added native to retrieve a user's zombie class for the next infection
* Added forward for when users gets unfrozen (frostnades)
* Added support for registering extra items for Survivors and Nemesis
* Survivor and Nemesis are now allowed to buy custom extra items available for them
* When the last player from a team disconnects and he/she was a Survivor/Nemesis, the player chosen to keep the round going will now have its health set according to the amount of remaining players, instead of full HP (to keep the round balance)
* Fixed another Polish ML typo causing a string formatting error (that should be the last of them)
* Fixed bug where if a player's team changed twice in a short amount of time the team update message wouldn't be sent to clients (due to a task accidentally being removed)

- Version: 4.2 (Feb 11, 2009)
* Merged in beta changes (see below for details on those)
* Fixed small bug regarding the knife forcing code

- Version: 4.1-beta4 (Feb 06, 2009)
* Optimized code and checks for unlimited ammo, custom BP ammo, and bots ammo purchase
* Fixed reloading not working immediately after picking up a weapon with the extra BP ammo hack
* Fixed client prediction issues for high latency players when unlimited clip ammo is enabled
* Fixed server crash "New message started when msg 35 has not been sent yet" when a zombie is forced to switch to the knife and the client has cl_lw set to 0

- Version: 4.1-beta3 (Feb 02, 2009)
* Added CVARs to separately toggle infection special effects (screenfade, particles, etc.)
* Added screen shake to the default infection effects
* Added CVAR to set whether players should see each other's custom flashlights (zp_flash_show_all)
* Added CVAR to toggle the HUD icons on infection, burning, and freeze events (zp_hud_icons)
* Added CVAR to control whether worldspawn-killed players should automatically be respawned (zp_respawn_on_worldspawn_kill)
* Fixed money hiding setting not affecting players who respawn as zombies
* Fixed zombies getting a temporary godmode when a spawn protected human gets infected by a sub-plugin
* Fixed a typo in the Polish translation that caused a string formatting error
* Fixed non-custom nightvision being turned off by CS on some cases when spectating
* Fixed occasional nightvision issues when zp_nvg_give is set to 0 or 2
* Minor corrections

- Version: 4.1-beta2 (Jan 29, 2009)
* Added CVARs to change the amount of Survivors and Nemesis for Plague rounds (zp_plague_nem_number, zp_plague_surv_number)
* Added CVARs to modify the health of Survivors and Nemesis for Plague rounds (zp_plague_nem_hp_multi, zp_plague_surv_hp_multi)
* Added CVAR to change Zombie Madness duration (zp_extra_madness_duration)
* Added CVAR to change Survivor's default weapon (zp_surv_weapon)
* Updated ML with Dutch language
* Fixed zombie class menu showing up even after selecting a class manually sometimes
* Optimized delay code from the default model changing system (now it's flawless)

- Version: 4.1-beta1 (Jan 28, 2009)
* Added CVAR to set a purchase limit for infection bombs per round (zp_extra_infbomb_limit)
* Added CVARs to change base health multipliers for Nemesis and Survivor (zp_nem_base_health, zp_surv_base_health)
* Ambience sounds are now only played during game modes and stopped at round end (to completely avoid past problems with client overflows)
* Fixed enabling/disabling the mod by changing its CVAR after the map had started (it wouldn't properly turn on/off)
* Fixed using a high zp_multi_ratio causing all players to turn into zombies
* Fixed delay code from the default model changing system in order to reduce SVC_BAD when lots of people get infected at once (especially with sub-plugins)

- Version: 4.1 (Oct 25, 2008)
* Added colored messages
* Added customization for Survivor's M249 view model
* Added customization to set the required access to get admin models (ACCESS_FLAG3)
* Added zp_deathmatch 4 setting: players respawn as zombies/humans depending on how balanced the game is
* Added zp_lighting 0 setting: disables the mod's custom map lighting
* Added cvar to prevent the same game mode from being played two consecutive rounds: zp_prevent_consecutive_modes
* Added cvars to toggle admin models for humans and zombies separately
* Added cvars to change leap force, height and cooldown for zombies, nemesis, and survivor separately
* Cvar zp_knockback_ducking can now be given a multiplier for crouching zombies (values of 1 and 0 still mantain the previous functionality)
* Buying additional ammo will no longer waste ammo packs if the player already has full ammo for every weapon
* Zombie Madness can now be bought during the special game modes
* Zombies can no longer buy antidotes on deathmatch when the zp_respawn_after_last_human cvar is disabled and there's only one human left
* Made a bit more optimizations to the code, mostly to repetitive functions
* Added delay before stopping ambience sounds on round start to prevent overflows with many players
* Fixed .mp3 files being incorrectly precached (they're generic resources to HL)

- Version: 4.07 (Oct 01, 2008)
* Added CVARs to set a minimum amount of players required for the gameplay modes
* Added CVAR to stop respawning players when only the last human is left: zp_respawn_after_last_human
* Added CVAR to enable/disable the temporary saving of player's ammo packs and zombie class when they disconnect: zp_stats_save
* Added zp_leap_zombies 3 setting: gives leap to the LAST zombie
* Added logging of admin's Steam ID and IP to the zombieplague.log file
* Added display of ammo packs when spectating somebody
* Fixed a bug that allowed spectators to be respawned
* Fixed "Remember weapon choice" setting not being reset for a new player
* Fixed a bug with the alternate model changing method where the original player model wasn't hid when joining the game and spawning as a zombie

- Version: 4.06 (Sep 09, 2008)
* Added CVAR to control the damage done by Nemesis per hit: zp_nem_damage (250 by default)
* Buying an already owned grenade through the extra items menu will now actually increase the grenade count, rather than waste ammo packs
* Ambience sounds are now correctly played for every mode even when using lengthy songs and should no longer affect other sound events when looping
* Unstuck feature now goes along with the random spawn cvar
* When buying additional ammo the correct HUD icons are now displayed (i.e. 9mm, 50ae, etc)
* Replaced the fake bombsite to force round ending with a fake hostage, thus getting rid of an expensive bomb removal code
* Made some additional code optimizations to reduce CPU usage and such

- Version: 4.05 (Sep 01, 2008)
* Added CVAR to set humans/spectators custom nightvision color
* Added CVAR to enable respawning players who commited suicide (this may be abused, mind you)
* Added natives to force players to turn into zombies/humans (infection rounds only)
* Added customization for zombie knife hit/stab sounds
* Added customization for human knife model (just because changing it with 3rd party plugins wouldn't work properly)
* Players are now forced "cl_minmodels 0" when they join so that they can see zombies correctly
* Ambience sounds from the previous round are now stopped when a new one begins
* Corrected a bit the help MOTD (wasn't updated since 3.6 ;P)
* Fixed incorrect weapon models showing up when turning into a survivor with a grenade on hand
* Fixed an exploit with the custom flashlight that allowed for unlimited batteries
* Fixed possible bugs when players switched to Spectator using the ZP menu
* Fixed round end event getting called twice sometimes when restarting the game
* Fixed first spawn not being detected for the first CZ bot that is created
* Minor fixes and optimizations...
* 4.05b: Fixed custom human knife model not being precached
* 4.05c: Fixed a stupid typo in the nightvision code which caused clients to be kicked

- Version: 4.04 (Aug 25, 2008)
* Added custom leap system (allows changing force, height, and cooldown)
* Added CVAR to remove dropped weapons from the floor
* Added CVAR to set custom hitzones for zombies
* Added CVAR to disable custom admin models
* Ambience sounds now support different sounds for each game mode
* Optimized bandwidth usage for temp entity messages
* Fixed blood coming out of players even when the attack was blocked

- Version: 4.03 (Aug 20, 2008)
* Added CVAR to set the infection ratio in Plague Mode
* Added CVAR to prevent players from killing themselves
* Added CVAR to set a max distance for knockback
* Fixed flares occasionally going off as smoke grenades when using Nade Modes
* Fixed a bug in Plague Mode regarding Survivor/Nemesis not turning completely into a zombie/human when chosen to keep the round going after the last player on the opposite team leaves
* Fixed money sometimes still displaying on HUD when the money remove setting is enabled
* Cleaned up the code a bit

- Version: 4.02 (Aug 16, 2008)
* Custom grenades are now compatible with Nade Modes
* Ambience sounds now stop playing when the map ends (by request)
* Added CVAR to turn silent footsteps for zombies on/off
* Fixed knockback not being affected by zombie class multipliers
* Fixed custom knife model not showing up when zombies are forced to use the knife
* Additional minor fixes

- Version: 4.01 (Aug 14, 2008)
* Added support for admin zombie models
* Added cvar for humans not to get infected if they have armor
* Added customizaton for zombie knife miss sounds
* Added chat command /unstuck (by request)
* Minor fixes on menu codes
* DEBUG: Added define to enable/disable setting the modelindex offset

- Version: 4.00 (Aug 09, 2008)
* Added new gameplay mode: Plague Mode
* Redid buy menu system, added feature to remember weapons choice
* Redid zombie classes system, added support for external additions (e.g. new classes)
* Redid extra items system, added support for external additions (e.g. custom items)
* Survivor can now have its own model
* Added cvars to set how many frags players get for infections/kills
* Added additional ML translations
* Changed a bit the model changing method
* Fixed round win sounds not being precached
* Fixed players being able to move before freezetime end

- Version: 3.62 (Jul 28, 2008)
* Added an option to the Game Menu to join the Spectators team
* Added cvar to disable zombies night vision and the automatic turn on: zp_nvg_give
* Added zp_flare_color 5 setting: randomly chooses between red, green, and blue colors only
* Added cvars to disable the halos (light auras) of Nemesis/Survivor
* Added cvars to set whether Nemesis/Survivor should also be rewarded ammo packs
* Added cvar to set whether to block +use on pushables to prevent the speed bug
* Added a little smoke sprite when people stop burning
* Added 2 more natives for the making of sub-plugins
* Corrected a cvar name: "zp_lightning" should be "zp_lighting" (duh...)

- Version: 3.61 (Jul 20, 2008)
* Added command to enable/disable the plugin: zp_toggle <1/0>
* Added CVAR to disable the custom buy menus: zp_buy_custom
* Added CVAR to set a slowdown on burning zombies: zp_fire_slowdown
* Added some HUD icons for burning, frozen and infected events
* Fixed a typo in the extra items purchase code for bots (also, they will no longer get extra items if disabled by cvar)
* Fixed false spawn detection for bots when they join the game (credits to vittu)

- Version: 3.60 (Jul 15, 2008)
* Added a few natives and forwards, along with an include file for those out there willing to make any sub-plugins or something (if you need more, just request!)
* Thunderclaps now available for zp_lightning settings a to d
* Added CVARs to disable extra items separately (e.g. infection bomb, etc.)
* When a Nemesis/Survivor disconnects, the random player chosen to keep the game going will now be a Nemesis/Survivor too (instead of the round going on as infection mode, which looked sorta confusing)
* Bots now buy extra items after respawn instead of during a fight
* PODBots: Survivor bots now able to repick weapons in case they drop the M249 (more like a temporary fix)
* Improved a bit some repetitive tasks handling
* Minor changes and fixes

- Version: 3.59 (Jul 02, 2008)
* Zombie models can now be assigned to each class separately
* Bots can now buy extra items, PODBots use nightvision correctly and don't get confused with players respawning on deathmatch mode anymore
* Players can now correctly join during survivor/swarm rounds (they'll automatically spawn as zombies if they shall)
* Added CVAR to give longjump to first zombie: zp_zombie_first_leap
* Added CVAR to change time before respawning on deathmatch mode: zp_spawn_delay
* Added CVAR to change fire grenade's burning damage: zp_fire_damage
* Added CVAR to change flare's lightning radius: zp_flare_size
* Fixed players not respawning as zombies when the corresponding deathmatch setting was enabled
* Fixed multiple infection mode triggering when it would result on a single zombie being infected
* Fixed flares floating midair
* Fixed the most rare occurrences of players stacking on a single team, so that no manual game restarts are required anymore
* Fixed players getting an incorrect amount of ammo for some weapons when buying
* Changed say command "menu" to "zpmenu" (it can still be accessed by pressing M anyway)
* Minor changes/corrections

- Version: 3.58 (Jun 23, 2008)
* Added support for Condition-Zero bots and changed bomb removal method (thus hopefully fixing all related crashing errors)
* Fixed grenades exploding when dropped from corpses on CZ
* Fixed zombie bleeding feature using incorrect decals on CZ
* Added additional knockback customization (you can now set intensity for each weapon separately)
* Added CVAR for zombies not to be knocked back when they're ducking: zp_knockback_ducking
* Fixed HUD Messages overlapping with some miscstats announcements

- Version: 3.57 (Jun 20, 2008)
* Added support for PODBot MM V3B19k+: bots buy their own weapons/ammo and choose their zombie class (thanks KWo)
* Added support for grenades and pistols to the Extra Items Weapons List
* Added a notice for players when the last zombie/human leaves
* Fixed flares potentially turning into smokegrenades when changing their duration
* Infection Bomb can now kill the last human
* Minor changes to the code

- Version: 3.56 (Jun 13, 2008)
* Added support for ambience sounds
* Added CVAR to control whether player's money should be removed: zp_remove_money
* Added CVAR to ignore Nemesis/Survivor frags: zp_nem_ignore_frags/zp_surv_ignore_frags
* Added CVAR to give the last human an extra health reward: zp_human_last_extrahp
* Fixed compiler error when trying to use the alternative model changing method.
* Fixed zombieplague.log entries being formatted somewhat incorrectly.

-Version: 3.55 (Jun 09, 2008)
* Public release.
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Dołączył: 28 Lis 2010
Posty: 304
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 #2  Wysłany: Wto 12 Kwi, 2011 14:14   
dobry ten zombie mod mam go na serverze i jest fajnie. ^^^Deed, <ciah> //bY ^^^Deed: Od pytań i prezentacji są inne działy.
Only PokeMod
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Brak nowych postów Zombie
.:Speedman:. Wolne rozmowy 3 Pią 24 Wrz, 2010 22:44
Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi zombie!!!
nie boje sie! [PokeMod] Bany i UnBany 1 Pon 30 Lip, 2012 12:46
Loda Suko !
Brak nowych postów Zombie MCraft
.buskoffy Gry - online, singleplayer, multiplayer 1 Pią 13 Maj, 2011 22:28
Brak nowych postów Zombie MCraft #002
Lmk Twórczość 0 Nie 22 Maj, 2011 21:01
Brak nowych postów Zombie MCraft #001
Lmk Twórczość 0 Nie 22 Maj, 2011 21:00
Ten temat jest zablokowany bez możliwości zmiany postów lub pisania odpowiedzi Zombie killer** dude*
Free kill ?
Wiślak [Prison Break] Bany i UnBan 2 Wto 17 Sie, 2010 23:42

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