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Znalezionych wyników: 6 Strona Główna
Autor Wiadomość
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Czw 03 Gru, 2009 18:35   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
I did not mean to offend, so I am sorry if it sounded that way.
Let me save you some time. No, I did not use cheats. Yes, I rush, I use grenades and I teleport if I have the chance. Why? I do not agree with all the rules. For the server's sake do not unban me because I will not stop doing all that.
A lot easier, eh? :)
Let's say I "bother" because I am curious how it will end.
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Czw 03 Gru, 2009 15:51   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
I would gladly have a live chat with hok if he can speak english. Because this is pointless. You should've asked me to make a demo instead of screenshots. Screenshots prove nothing and you know that.
I really should not say that but sorry, W3TFT server's admins lack competence. As far as I have seen they do not have the experience to judge someone who has played this game 2 or 3 times longer than they did. I am one of those who "should not" play because of theyr age - or you can simply call me "old school".
Another problem... Sorry to say something like that again but the overall skill of te whole server is really low. Is it not time to think why? I can give you a hint - look at me and what you guys are trying to do. You simply banish all the players who are above-average, unless they have privileges in that server of course :)
If you are trying to make this (W3TFT) popular then you should take a look at your administrators and how they behave. They judge without any sign of proof - "Too good - ban", "He has headphones and uses a radar - ban"... :)
I'd really advise someone with brain to come to the server and see me play. Not all blind want to see, eh?
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Sro 02 Gru, 2009 20:04   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Sro 02 Gru, 2009 18:46   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
I really hope this server is not one of those where "better" players are getting banned. I've had this problem in many servers. "Play worse or get banned" - funny but true.
Working on at this moment.
So if hok is an experienced player (more than 2 or 3 years of play) than he'll do the right thing.
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Sro 02 Gru, 2009 17:44   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
[AMXBANS] ===============================================
[AMXBANS] Zostales zbanowany przez hok
[AMXBANS] Masz PERMANENTNEGO bana na tym serwerze!
[AMXBANS] Zbanowany nick : Sterox
[AMXBANS] Przyczyna : ' Daj screeny na '
[AMXBANS] Bana mozesz wyjasnic na
[AMXBANS] Twoj SteamID : ' '
[AMXBANS] Twoje IP : ' '
[AMXBANS] =======================================
  Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02

Odpowiedzi: 13
Wyświetleń: 1765

PostForum: [War3 FT] Bany i UnBany   Wysłany: Sro 02 Gru, 2009 17:03   Temat: Nick: Sterox 2009-12-02
Good evening, dear administrators.

First of all - I'm not polish and I can't understand everything you guys are trying to say.
Okay. Let's get right to it. I'm pretty sick of all these "czyt" claims. Finally I've got banned because of being accused of using AIM or even Wallhack cheats.
The admin named "hok" asked to publish the screenshots, so here they are:

Thank you for your time,
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