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Zapraszam na Exp Rate pod WAR/RPG, edytowana rl mapa + oken gengia pyre. Profesjonalna administracja i zero lagow ! pomozcie mi a w tibi dostaniecie jaka kase czy tutora :P ci co nie chcą nie muszą moze byc zamkniety temat i ogol warn ale prosze wchodzcie ;/ PROSZE WAS ci co chca
853 1

Wander of Shinobi - OTS

Witam, chciałbym zaprosić was do gry w "Wander of Shinobi" czyli, Open Tibia Server o tematyce Naruto! Angielska Reklama: Wander of Shinobi v5.0 OFFICIAL START! Free Online NARUTO MMORPG! Official site : Wander of Shinobi has come a long way from his first versions, we have been working for years on this project, connecting the fans of Anime Naruto and now Wander of Shinobi v5.0 has been succesfully finished and soon the servers will be opened for the Players! Dont miss the biggest opening yet! We have worked really hard to create the most popular Naruto MMORPG (According to otservList rankings & Facebook FANS status). Wander of Shinobi is the oldest (and what comes with it : created with great experience) Naruto ots of all! And now we are ready to present you all the changes that will be applied to the game, and those are : -Complete Character ...
751 1

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