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Wtf Kacper---->Stolen Pokemons name Soco[GR]ftw

To Kacper:What do you mean that i never got this pokemon?LOL man check the demo ask admins wtf what the fuck is this server?I banned for a hack that i dont use admin took my pokes and now told me that i never had this pokes.JUST CHEK THE DEMO WICH I UPLOAD!!At the demo i was playing with Toxicroak(192lvl and for that ask JackalGr and loca who was online at that time and Bastiodon 200lvl.)And if didnt Admin Nie boje took my pokemon who took them definatly?I want an answer about that.My pokes was all high lvls and i spend much time to lvl up them and now i cant take them back.This server and forum have ZERO ORGANIZE???
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