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Tagi tematu: my personal way to give something back

Zamknięty przez: ^^^Deed
Czw 13 Sty, 2011 18:38
My personal way to give something back

Dołączył: 12 Sty 2011
Wiek: 38
Posty: 2
Skąd: Germany
 #1  Wysłany: Sro 12 Sty, 2011 18:38   My personal way to give something back
Having seen an near buddie going trough a tough moment because of a sickness caused from using cigarettes I made it my quest to spare as many other individuals as possible from the exact same fate, however quickly I realized that it doesn't matter how great your arguments are it is actually very difficult to have a smoker give up smoking, not necessarily because your arguments are not good enough and not necessarily because the smoker is just not happy to stop but simply because smoking is really a even more addictive drug than heroin and also cocaine (scientifically confirmed).

Next , I learned there's actually a method to stop smoking without giving up smoking, thus leave the smoker his / her pleasure and also habit but preserve him from the damaging effects of cigarettes.

The Things I am referring to are e cigarettes. Read regarding many of the side effects associated with smoking and the way an electronic cigarette could help you quite smoking cigarettes or just allow you to follow your current routine and acquire the kick with no harmful negative effects of cigarettes on my web-site

P.S. I hope this will not be removed due to having a link to my web site as I merely try to inform and help.


Chrissy M.
electronic cigarette
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