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Tagi tematu: ban , for , likan , nothing

Zamknięty przez: Marta
Wto 27 Paź, 2009 22:25
ban for nothing (Likan)

Dołączył: 09 Maj 2009
Posty: 29
 #1  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 12:26   ban for nothing (Likan)
mda ... hok you always banning of some garbage, I explain why I was so long, I do not care about my account / rank, and I play carefully and do not want to die here once so long and please not slay me, better kick.
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Dołączył: 03 Maj 2009
Posty: 5274
Piwa: 1447/249
 #2  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 12:40   
eX napisał/a:
play carefully and do not want to die

I ve been watching you 2 days now and you are almost always last survivor of the team you play. Learn to play with your team not to hide and wait or the bans will be longer.
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Dołączył: 25 Kwi 2009
Wiek: 31
Posty: 6484
Skąd: LondYn
Otrzymał 1278 piw(a)
 #3  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 13:09   
eX u play like a idiot ;| (map cs) When u are in ct u camp with race human ! When u are in TT u rush to ct spawn. (map de) When u are in CT u rush to TT spawn ! When u are in TT u camp with race human all the time ! Like a fuckin noob ! Why u don't want play like other people ;| ?

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Dołączył: 09 Maj 2009
Posty: 29
 #4  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 13:45   
Well everything is understandable, but when a bomb planted at the time of defusing a very small there for about 20 seconds is a little put the standard 45 seconds, or at least 30-35 because I was running to a bomb TT sit in the corners and I killed them and begin degusing but time not enough and it explodes, and a map DE bomb lies somewhere near it, and always sit Camper which I hate, but as I understood it should accept the rules and play like everybody else, okay, I'm going to play like everyone else, I apologize

Edit : Well, you unbaning me or I have to wait 1 day?
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Dołączył: 25 Kwi 2009
Wiek: 31
Posty: 6484
Skąd: LondYn
Otrzymał 1278 piw(a)
 #5  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 14:04   
I don't tallk about when bomb is planted ;| U have to wait 1 day

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Dołączył: 09 Maj 2009
Posty: 29
 #6  Wysłany: Czw 27 Sie, 2009 14:33   
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